Friday, December 11, 2009

Delphi to C#

I am trying to write some pages from Delphi Programmers who want to shift from Delphi To C#

here is my first article

ou know all about Delphi and you want to switch from Delphi to C#. First it is my practice that when you want to learn a new language you should not compare the old language with the new one from day one. There may be 100th of plus point in Delphi (coz you have great experience as developer) but until you will not enter in-depth you cannot get the advantage of new language.
Delphi VCL and .NET
.Net is for developing “Managed” software , yes MANAGED is a concept which is putting .net a part from Delphi or other languages.
Compiling and Exe type
When Delphi compiling your Pascal codes it directly produce machine code (Executable).
In the managed environment of .net the file produced by complier (C#) is assembly. Assembly contains metadata and IL (intermediate language) code. Assembly also contains Deployment, Execution, Identity and Security information
Assembly is executed by CLR (The common language Run Time)
CLR Feature
1. .Net framework classes as in Delphi (Units and Classes)
2. Libraries for Memory Management, Security Management, Threading, Error Handling
3. Automatic Memory Management and Garbage Collection (forget about disposing)
4. Backward computability with COM and WIN32 code
5. Code Access Security and Role Based Security (Any programmer knows , Is there any sample program / component which comes for Delphi by using you can use standard security feature for your desktop or client server application)
6. Type Loading, Type Safety, Thread Access Management


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